Personal Growth & Development in Greater London

It’s so important to focus on your own personal growth and development, and at the Philburn Academy we specialise in providing those who read our books and attend our workshops with a variety of tools to help them feel empowered. Through a variety of mediums, including digital content, we’re able to engage with our audience and help them get the most of our products. Get in touch with us today, Dr Harris Phillip is always more than happy to assist where necessary.

Understanding You Better

The Philburn Academy has been created by the recognised and qualified Dr Harris Phillip, and although we’re based in and around Greater London, we want to make it clear that we’re here to help anyone who needs it. 

We are an online resource, and the home of everything written and created by Dr Harris. We’re able to sell our online digital content podcasts, as well as direct you towards purchasing our self-help and self-improvement books from Amazon. 

Dr Harris Phillip has spent many years in the medical field, and has been a gynaecologist, life coach, and consultant obstetrician throughout his illustrious career. He has created Philburn Academy to showcase this career, and continue to bring the BMS (body, mind, and spirit) Model to those who might need it. 

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